Monday, December 9, 2013

Major Stock Market Crash In January

Check out this stunning analogy between the current day Dow Jones Industrial Index compared with the time period 1928-1929 leading up to the memorable stock market crash… 

The pattern of stock price movements looks VERY close to the lead-up to the 1929 top. 

A lead-up to just any old top is one thing, but the 1929 top was followed by a memorable decline, which makes it all the more worthy of our attention… 

One very interesting implication of this chart pattern analog is that it says that the equivalent of the Sep. 3, 1929 top is ideally due Jan. 14, 2014.

I dont think this necessarily mean there is going to be a crash but its worthy to point out none the less because it is so eerily similar.  This was poited out in previous posts months ago so apparently it is still on track which makes it that much more spooky.  -Mort
